
  • School health screenings are an important public health practice that identify problems early.  Early identification of problems leads to more effective treatment and prevention of more serious issues. Dassel-Cokato Health Services provides health screenings according to the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health.

    Who is screened each year?
    All students in grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10

    All students who receive Special Education services

    Any student referred by a parent, teacher, or the student him or herself.

    Screening tool
    Snellen visual acuity chart
    Students who have a visual acuity of 20/40 or worse in either eye or a two-line difference of acuity in the eyes will be referred for a comprehensive exam.
    Who is screened each year?
    All students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10

    All students who receive Special Education services

    Any student referred by a parent, teacher, or the student him or herself. 

    Screening tool
    Puretone audiometry
    Tympanometry as needed
    Students who miss any tone in either ear on two screenings separated by at least 2 weeks are referred for further examination by a medical doctor or audiologist.
    Who is screened each year?
    All 5th and 6th-grade girls
    Screening tool
    Students with spine curvature greater than 6 degrees are referred for evaluation by their primary provider.