The school board, with community input, envisions the educational future of the community and then formulates the goals, defines the outcomes, and sets the course for the school district.
An effective, high-performing school board strives to meet the following benchmarks:
A. Use clear, focused, attainable, and measurable goals and outcomes to support gains in student achievement.
B. Develop a strategic plan which includes well-crafted school district belief statements, mission statement, vision statement, goals, and objectives that enable the school board to evaluate school district performance.
C. Regularly monitor the strategic plan to evaluate progress toward goal achievement and school district success.
D. Ensure that the school district belief statements, mission statement, vision statement, goals, and objectives are reflected in school board policies, mirrored in the budget planning and implementation efforts, and is supported district-wide.
E. Communicate the strategic plan and the progress to the community.