• Health & Emergency Contact Form
    Please update health and emergency contact information at the beginning of each school year and when information changes.
    Students requiring special diets must have this form completed by a licensed physician, physician assistant, or an advanced practice registered nurse, such as a certified nurse practitioner. 

    Medication Authorization Form
    Written permission is required for medications to be administered at school. Over-the-counter medications require a parent signature. Prescription medications require written permission from the parent and the health care provider.
    Please update your child's immunization record with the school each time a new immunization is received. If your child cannot receive immunizations for medical or personal reasons, please complete the Medical or Conscientious Objection section.
    Request to Carry and Self-Administer Medications
    This form gives 7-12th grade students permission to carry and self-administer certain over the counter medications.

    Emergency medications such as inhalers and EpiPens may be carried by any student with the permission of the parent/guardian and health care provider. The student must also be able to demonstrate knowledge of when and how to use the medication and must keep the medication safely in an agreed-upon location (backpack, locker, desk, etc) when not in use.