NHS - from DC to Washington D.C.

Dassel-Cokato Schools' National Honor Society (NHS) chapter went to Washington DC last spring break. They visited several significant monuments and museums. A few student favorites were the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, Jefferson Memorial (surrounded by beautiful cherry blossoms), Library of Congress, and the National Mall.

nhw2What was different about this year was that they completed two service projects while they were there. The first service project was with Washington Parks and People, an organization that helps to clean and revitalize local parks for people to enjoy. The group worked at Marvin Gaye Park, picking up garbage, doing lawn care, raking leaves, and planting new shrubs. The next service project they participated in was for DC Central Kitchen. This nonprofit organization works to recycle food around the Washington area, provide job training and opportunities for individuals who struggle with employment, and ultimately provide meals for the community through schools, corner stores, casual cafes, and neighborhoods with limited resources.

nhs3The students helped prepare meals by prepping ingredients. Mrs. Piepenburg, the new NHS advisor, worked extremely hard to plan and organize this trip. The students are grateful for Piepenburg and the parent chaperons who volunteered to make their experience possible. Overall, the Washington DC trip was very successful, and the students had a lot of fun! 
